Monday, November 24, 2008

We are...

Expecting again! We are a little nervous about having 3 children under the age of 4, but we are excited!!!!! Please pray that this is a healthy baby. I am not quite sure that we could handle another baby with a heart defect, but I do know that God will not give us more than we can handle.

We go on December 16th to have an ultrasound to look at the heart, so please pray for positive results. I will definately post those results on here!

Also, please pray that I continue to have a pleasant pregnancy. So far, there has been no morning sickness or anything... I really hope we stay on this track!!

Thanks for checking in and look for more posts in the near future!!


Kinsleys5 said...

Congrats guys!! So excited for you! So when is your due date - July?

Niecey said...

Congratulations! Nice to have found your blog (Christa sent the link). I'll be following for sure. I'll pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.