WOW... Soooo I haven't blogged in over a year... not too surprising I guess! I'm not great at keep up with things anymore, now that I have three kiddos (I know that is not the best excuse, but I'm using it... Did I mention I'm a full-time student too?!)
So, what all has happened in the last year you ask? Well, for starters I had another baby! Grayson Preston was born on July 27th, 2009 weighing in at a hefty 7lbs 11oz (ouch!). He is quickly approaching his 1st birthday, which we will be celebrating here in Phenix City, AL with friends and our little family!
Also, Jaden received his wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation in April. We went to Orlando for 6 days, and came home EXHAUSTED. We had a blast... and Jaden truly felt like a million bucks! He got to have a Pirate Makeover on his 5th birthday at Disney... now how many kids get to spend their 5th birthday at Disney... and get to look like a Pirate?! He definitely had a blast! Jaden also completed his first year of school (Pre-K). He wad such a great time in school, and is looking forward to starting Kindergarten in the fall!
Jordyn turned 4 on April 4th... however Stephen and I believe she turned 14!! She is full of sass, and is BOSSY as ever!! Jordyn also enjoyed the trip to Disney... although the highlight for her was the Princess Makeover she received!! She chose to be Snow White... and she looked amazing! I will get around to posting pictures, but it might be another year or so before that ever happens (LOL!!)!!
Stephen and I are doing well. Stephen did get hurt at work and has been going through some tough times... he got hit in the head and is not undergoing physical therapy and occupational therapy. Even though his injury happened at work, I like to tell everyone that the injury happened at home... he made me mad and I hit him with a frying pan (hahahahaha)!! I am still in school (yes, STILL)! I recently changed schools, and now am enjoying getting an education at a Christian-based college based in Virginia (Liberty University). I recently made the Dean's List (woo hoo), and am continuing my pursuit for a degree in Elementary Education.
Well, I think that pretty much sums up our last year... I promise to work on getting pictures up soon! I have a years worth of pictures to get up on here, so it may take me a while!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fetal Echo Yesterday!!!

Well, as you all know, yesterday I went for our fetal echo. The baby's heart looked wonderful... nothing abnormal, just a perfect 4 chamber heart! Also, we found out that we will be having another... BOY!!! We are very excited! Here are some pictures of the baby, including the 4 chamber heart!
Also, we wanted to send out an "invitation" to our baby shower. It will be at my mom's house on April 11th @ 2 p.m. If you are able to make it, just let me know! I know that those of you who follow out of state will not be able to attend... just wanted to let you all know!
We are registered at Target and Toys R Us.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Fetal Echo Tomorrow
Just wanted to let you all know that we go for our Fetal Echo tomorrow. This will determine the heart health of this baby. Please pray for a healthy baby! We should also be able to get a positive on the gender! My gut still says its a boy, but either way, we don't care... as long as s/he is healthy! I will post an update tomorrow after our visit!
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